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From big data to insight

Analizziamo dati per estrarre informazioni e permettere ai nostri clienti di affrontare sfide attuali e future con maggiore consapevolezza e possibilità di pianificazione.

DAI sviluppa e fornisce soluzioni software per l’analisi di grosse moli di dati eterogenei impiegando le più recenti innovazioni nei campi della data science, dell’intelligenza artificiale, della computer vision, al fine di abilitare soluzioni innovative di supporto alle decisioni, predizioni di andamenti, individuazione di anomalie.


Who We Are

Data Analytics Insights S.R.L. – DAI – offers advanced solutions for data analysis and processing using statistical methods, algorithms, and artificial intelligence (AI) models, including intelligent digital twins.

The goal is to create decision-support products that simplify the production and consumption of predictions, simulations, and recommendations for businesses, organizations, and cities wishing to leverage data potential, effectively transforming their operations, improving efficiency, and reducing costs.

Today, thanks to advanced technologies like Digital Twins, the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, and Industry 4.0, measurements, videos, and texts are generated daily. To extract value from data in reasonable and sustainable times, it is necessary to use specialized software and personnel. Although software solutions are available to address these challenges, their adoption in the public and private sectors remains limited due to barriers related to complexity, the lack of easily usable and visual solutions, and organizational resistance to change.

In this context, DAI positions itself as a provider of innovative solutions for businesses and public administrations by offering easy-to-use yet specialized solutions for data analysis, predictions, and business intelligence. DAI provides solutions that rely on AI algorithms for detection, classification, early warning, anomaly detection, and short and long-term forecasts, up to customized solutions to meet specific needs in mobility and transport, tourism, and retail sectors. Moreover, it also adopts Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques to provide clients with elements that can help them make informed decisions and optimize, offering visual representations that explain the reasons behind the suggested choices.


DAI aims to be a provider of turnkey decision-support solutions that leverage data analysis techniques using the latest innovations in AI/XAI and digital twins. This goal is achieved by providing simple and visual tools for decision support for cities, industries, and public administrations (not just cities but other types of entities as well).

Starting from data, the solutions extract information and knowledge through visual tools so that they enable a deeper and more detailed understanding of processes, improve the services offered, and address current and future challenges with greater awareness and data-driven planning capabilities. DAI products will typically be provided as a Service to utilize the data that will be provided to improve the AI models in terms of flexibility and precision.


DAI provides solutions for monitoring and understanding human behavior in an accessible form so that decision-makers can achieve results quickly and with visual representations that are easy to understand for:

  • Improving efficiency and quality of services, evaluating the actual use of transportation services, increasing sales, and understanding the effectiveness of customer solutions: measuring and controlling, automating repetitive tasks, simplifying complex solutions.
  • Suggesting better and more effective actions: utilizing methods of prediction/prescription, anomaly detection, early warning, generative simulation, etc.
  • Representing the needs of clients/users: desires, habits, etc.

DAI stands out for its use of open-source technologies that cover the entire value chain, both in developing AI solutions and managing and visualizing data, which are customized to the specific needs of the client, thereby ensuring competitive costs and maximum adherence to the client’s requirements.

This solution involves privacy-preserving video surveillance with thermal cameras utilizing computer vision systems (for counting and understanding user behavior) optimized to operate directly on the camera and provide real-time insights and early warnings. The technologies employed are AI and XAI.

This is a web-based decision support solution that relies on predictive models. The product is designed to address typical prediction problems related to sales, production, transportation, etc., across various industrial sectors and public administration. The technologies used are AI and XAI. It includes integration with SNAP4 S.R.L. products and the potential integration with data that can be purchased from providers such as telecommunications operators, from Here, or directly from commercial operators themselves.
This solution offers privacy-preserving analysis of user behavior with thermal cameras for counting and tracking user behavior in shopping centers, transportation hubs, airports, stores, squares, etc. It integrates seamlessly with data collection systems and camera control networks, as well as other types of sensors like LIDAR, laser, WiFi sniffers, etc.
Based on data collected via DAI4Vision/DAI4HubVision systems, this solution focuses on generating online/offline recommendations to reduce return times to stores, enhance customer shopping experiences, and optimize retailer operations. It also includes integration with SNAP4 S.R.L. products and the potential integration with data purchasable from providers or commercial operators themselves.


Urban mobility

Public Administration






We actively collaborate with academic institutions, research organizations, and companies. These partnerships enable us to stay up-to-date on the latest discoveries and technological developments and to access specialized expertise and additional resources for the research and development of advanced solutions.


Get in touch

+39 347 653 0884


Via Pier luigi da Palestrina n. 13/A, Firenze

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